Company Overview
“Kazazi Consulting” was incorporated in November 2005, by Mr. Fatmir Kazazi (the Managing Partner). It is a consultancy firm offering tax, financial, accounting and legal services.
The comprehensive experience and expertise of Mr. Kazazi, for more than 30 years in tax policies and in tax administration, including negotiation and implementation of double tax treaties, set the grounds for the services offered by our company.
Our partners (collaborators) and staff are professionals with proper experiences in tax/accounting/legal issues.
Our goal is to render high quality services to our clients and help them to receive fast and effective solutions, which efficiently fulfill their demands.
+ Completed Projects
+ Happy Clients
+ Qualified Staff
Mbi trajtimin tatimor të bizneseve të vogla dhe uljen e informalitetit, evazionit fiskal dhe korrupsionit
Nga Fatmir Kazazi – Konsulent Fiskal Me kërkesë të disa shoqatave biznesore dhe të disa bizneseve të mëdha, të mesme dhe të vogla, por edhe nisur nga diskutimet e shumta në media dhe në rrjetet sociale, do të doja të jepja opinionin tim për trajtimin tatimor të...